Monday, March 3, 2014

So Long! Farewell Smyrna!

Hi friends and family!

My this storm has been nuts. Although we heard about it for over a
week and we were told we'd be getting anywhere from 3-14" ....the
weathermen have been struggling with accuracy lately, so we just trust
Mother Nature to let us know..which makes it interesting. As of this
morning, we got about four inches here in Smyrna. I'm fine with not
living in a lot of snow later in life. Ha

But we had a good week and saw many miracles. We stopped by a former
investigator whom I had never met, and she was just the kindest lady,
so thankful for what we're doing and willing to listen to a message
about Christ. She was very welcoming and it was refreshing to find
someone who listened with intent, but we shall see. Later in the week,
on Saturday, we helped move some of Megan's stuff, including an
electric organ, from her parents house to her house in the boonies of
Clayton, DE. So we got to meet her parents and siblings and found that
they live right next door to the nice former I mentioned above. Small
world. Megan has already been doing her own missionary work, even
though she hasn't joined yet.!!! Her dad has had some issues with the
Catholic Church lately, so she invited him to meet with us and
introduced a bit of what we believe in. For now, he's not too
interested, but awesome guy. And maybe when he meets more of the
Bailey family and sees how the gospel has blessed their family, her
family will come along.

And then Josh that we had worked with months ago, the man that lives
in Dover and has been taught by the Dover elders, and is GOLDEN, he
came to church with Jessica on Sunday. During Elders Quorum, he got up
and shared a missionary experience saying, "I'm not a member yet. But
I had an awesome missionary opportunity at work where a friend said
he's been looking for a good church and didn't feel welcome at the
past few he's gone to. So I invited him to come to this church with me
and he might be here next week. " He was beaming in excitement. I
wanted to say to the other quorum members, This is how you do
missionary work! Look for opportunities to share it and open your
mouth, God will fill it with the right words to say.

We did meet with Megan and discussed how God calls prophets to lead
and guide His children. She understood the concept and said she
believed Christ had called prophets and apostles in Bible times. The
Baileys love working with her and helping her in the process of
conversion. I'm excited to hear about how Megan progresses in her

On Friday we came to a point in the late afternoon where we had names
planned, but didn't really know where to go. So we pulled the car over
and said a prayer to know where The Lord would have us go. Elder
Allred said we should go visit Brother Boynton, less active that lives
at the very west edge of our area in Worton, MD 32 miles away. So...I
was a little skeptical, but I felt a confirming witness that "he'll be
home tonight." So I acted in faith and drove. 40 minute drive later we
knocked on his door, he answered and with a big smile let us in. He is
from Ephraim, UT but has been in Worton for over 20 years. Hasn't been
to church in nearly 10, but he was oh so happy to have us there. He
and Elder Allred hit it off right away. It was such a blessing to see
how The Lord had guided us on the right night at the right time (with
the miles to do it) to one of His lost sheep. It was so awesome. We
invited him to read and pray and eventually come back to church. He
was just so thrilled that we had made it out.

And after 6 months here in good ol' Smyrna, I will be transferred to
another portion of the Lord's vineyard this weds (if weather permits).
It's bittersweet, but I have felt it's my time. 4 1/2- 6 months is a
good amount of time to spend in an area and hopefully the ground work
that I did will help future missionaries to harness the potential
here. I'm stoked for my next area though!

I've been struggling with feeling like it's all my fault that I
haven't had more success. And I've prayed a lot about really
fulfilling my purpose as a missionary. Our purpose is NOT to knock
doors, but to invite others to come unto Christ. Well I was doing a
Preach My Gospel study activity which brought me to John 15:4-5

4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of
itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide
in me.
5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in
him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do

I was brought to tears as I felt the Savior's love and realized that
that is exactly what I need to be doing. Abide in me and I in you.
This is not the work of Jake Robins. This is the work of Jesus Christ,
I testify that that is true. I need Him, you need Him, and with Him,
we can all have joy, success, and hope in then life and love to come.
With Him, we will bring forth fruit.

Love you all,

Elder Jacob Robins

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